Do you like to take pictures?
What kind of photos do you enjoy looking at?
What type of pictures do you keep in your family's photo albums?
Why do people take photos?
What kind of camera do you have?
Should pictures be posted on the internet without permission?
Have you ever wished you had not been in a particular picture?
When can taking pictures be an invasion of your privacy?
How do you like to look at photos?
What do you do if your friend sends the guy you like bad pictures of you without her asking permission first?
Do you have a camera?
Do you always bring a camera wherever you go for vacation?
Are you a camera-shy?
Or you like taking photos of yourself?
Do you like taking pictures?
Is it really important to have pictures?
What places have you taken for a picture?
Are pictures important for you?
Do you have lots of pictures at your home?
Do you keep them as memories?
Are you photogenic? Or only attractive in person?
Do you have pictures in which you are not appealing?
When and where it was taken?
Do you have pictures which you are attractive?
When and where it was taken?
Do you have pictures of other people that you keep?
Do you have a favorite photo of you?
Do you have many pictures in here in this place?
What place do you want to go to take a picture of yourself before you go will go back to Korea?
Where did you get your passport photos taken?
Was the service good?
• What are some characteristics of your personality?
• What makes you happy?
• What are some things that make you angry?
• Are you happy with your personality?
• Would you like to be different?
• Are you a determined person? Are you a stubborn person?
• Are you shy ? In which occasions are you shy?
• Do you consider yourself selfish ? Why?
• Is your personality suited to your job?
• In what way has your personality changed? Why has it changed??
• Are you more introverted (focused on your inner world) or more extraverted (focused on other people and the outer world)?
• Do you think you can change a major characteristic of your personality if you try?
• Do you think you have an unusual personality? Why?
• If you could change any aspect of your personality, what would it be?
• What sort of things would you do to amuse yourself during a car journey?
• What personality traits do you consider important in a good friend / a boss / a partner?
• Do you consider yourself to be even-tempered?
• What is one thing that many people don't know about you?
• What expressions include colors when discussing illness? (ex., white or pale, pink eye, black and blue for bruises, yellow fever)
• What expressions include colors and feelings? (ex. I feel blue, green with envy, red with rage, turning red, black circles under the eyes, you are turning blue)
• What do the colors in your home country's flag represent?
• Do you think birth order makes a difference in your personality?
• Have you ever tried to lose weight?
• What motivated you to start a diet?
• Is it important to motivate children?
• How do you motivate children?
• Can some people destroy your motivation?
• What is something a boss can do to motivate his workers?
• How are you best motivated?
• How do you motivate your friends?
• Have you ever tried to quit smoking?
• How do you define motivation?
• What are some of the factors of motivation?
• What part does motivation plays in effective teaching?
• What is the role of motivation for slow learners?
• What are three things that motivate you?
• Do you feel motivated when you are at school?
• Do you feel motivated when learning something new?
• How would you describe motivation?
• Does motivation affect learning?
• In what way can we help people to increase their motivation?
• Why do you study English?
• What is your proudest accomplishment so far this year?
• What is the difference between internal and external motivation?
• Do you find that motivated people are more successful than unmotivated people?
• What do you do to keep your motivation?
• Do you have an English goal?
• Is your goal specific, measurable, with a deadline?
• How do you maintain your motivation when you fail?
• Do you share goals and plans with others so that they will help you maintain your motivation and drive?
• How do you plan to motivate yourself to improve your English?
• What do you do if you feel your English is not improving?
• What role do teachers play in motivating students? What role do students play in motivating teachers?
• Have you ever tried to motivate someone else to do something? How did you feel after?
• Who is the most important person in your life?
• Under what conditions can motivation be influenced by ambition?
• Is ambition a bad personality trait?
• Is competition good?
• Can motivation influence competitive behavior?
• Can robots replace people in sports? How would that change sports?
• Tell three things that make you to be motivated.
• What is the difference between internal (intrinsic) and external (extrinsic) motivation?
• Do you find that motivated people are more successful than unmotivated people?
• About how many guests attended your wedding?
o How many guests would you invite to your wedding?
• At what age do most people in your country get married?
• At what age do you want to get married?
o At what age did you get married?
• Do women usually work after getting married in your country?
• Do you get along with your in-laws?
• Do you know anyone who has had an arranged marriage?
• Do you know someone who has gotten a divorce?
• Do you know the difference between love and like?
o Can you still love your partner and not like him/her?
• Do you think a boy should pay for everything on a date?
• Do you think arranged marriages are a good idea? Why or why not?
o What is your opinion of arranged marriages?
• Do you think getting married means giving up freedom?
• Do you think if you get married that you will change?
• Do you think it is better to be single or to be married?
• Do you think it is good to get married?
• Do you think it is okay for a couple to live together before getting married? Why or Why not?
• Do you think it is okay to marry someone of a different race?
• Do you think it is okay to marry someone with a different religion?
• Do you think it's OK for a man to have two wives?
• Do you think it's OK for a wife to have two husbands?
• Do you think it's okay for a man to have a mistress?
• Do you think it's okay for a man to hit his wife?
• Do you think love is necessary to have a good marriage?
• Do you think marriage is necessary?
• Do you think marriages based on love are more successful than arranged marriages?
• Do you think marriage is very stressful for women? How about for men?
• Do you think people change after getting married?
• Do you think religion influences marriage? If so, in what ways?
• Do you think that all adults should be married?
• Do you think that you can you find eternal love through the Internet?
• Do you want a husband or wife who is older, younger or the same age as you?
• Do you want to have children?
o If so, how many?
• How long do you think couples should know each other before they get married?
• How many children would you like to have?
• How old were your parents when they got married?
• If your husband or wife has an affair what would you do?
• If your parents did not approve of a person you loved and wanted to marry, would that be a difficult situation for you? Why/Why not?
• If you had to marry either a poor man whom you really loved, or a rich man whom you did not love, which would you choose?
• What advice would you give to someone whose partner hates their best friend?
• What age do you think is best for getting married?
• What are some dating and marriage customs in your country?
• What are some of the main reasons people get divorced?
• What are some qualities that you think are important in a spouse or partner?
• What do you think of people who get divorced?
o Would you ever consider getting divorced?
What do you think of people who get divorced?
• What do you think of same-sex marriages?
• What do you think of single mothers?
• What is a wedding ceremony like in your country?
• What is the best way to keep your spouse happy in the marriage?
• What kind of man do you want as a husband?
• What kind of person do you want to get married to?
• What kind of woman do you want as a wife?
• What makes a good husband/wife?
• What makes a happy marriage?
o What do you think are some things that contribute to a successful marriage?
• What qualities in a partner are important to you?
• What would you do if your soon to be mother-in-law seems to hate you?
• What would your parents think if you don't get married?
• When did your parents get married?
• Where do you want to go for your honeymoon?
o Where did you go for your honeymoon?
• Which is more important for you, your job or your marriage?
• Why do people break up with their partners?
• Will you continue working after you get married?
• Would you date someone you really liked if your parents did not like him or her?
• Would you ever marry someone who has been divorced twice?
• Would you introduce your date to your family?
• Would you live with your parents after you get married?
• Would you marry someone from another country?
• Would you marry someone ten years older than you? How about ten years younger than you?
• Would you marry someone that your parents didn't like?
• Would you marry someone who couldn't speak the same language as you speak?
• Do you know a happily married couple?
• Can you name a famous happily married couple?
• What do you think is the most important ingredient in a good marriage?
• How long is the marriage ceremony in your country?
• Do you think its possible to wait for the man or woman you love while he or she is in jail?
• What is the best season to get married?
• Do you know anybody who has two families at the same time and supports them both?
• How many families can you have in your country?
• Do you know of any superstitions connected with weddings?
• Would it be important for you to have a "white wedding'?
• Why do you think the bride's maids wear white.
• In your opinion is marriage for life?
• What is your worse fears to face during marriage?
• Do you think it is OK if married people go out alone?
• If you were married would you like to have an open relationship?
• Is it better to marry someone who loves you rather than someone whom you love?
• In a marriage, do you think one person should handle the finances, or both?
o Do you think when people get married it is really until death?
o What is the ideal age to get married? Is it the same for men and women?
International Marriage
• Would you marry someone of another nationality?
• Are your parents of the same nationality?
• What are some advantages of an international marriage?
• What are some disadvantages?
• Do you want to have an international marriage?
• Do you know anyone who married someone from a different country? If yes, what is their experience like?
• Do you think it is more difficult to marry someone from a different country?
• How would your parents feel if you married someone from a different country?
• Do you think that it is good for children to have parents from two different countries? Why or why not?
• What is the ideal age to get married? Is it the same for men and women?
The following question may be considered inappropriate in some situations.
Do you think that gay people should be allowed to marry?
• What kinds of corruption are there?
• Has corruption affected your life?
• Why do you think people are corrupt.
• Can corruption be a good thing?
• How do you reduce corruption?
• Which countries have a lot of corruption?
• What can you do about corruption in your country?
• How do you remove corrupt workers from their jobs?
• What is the largest bribe you have paid?
• Can corruption be a good thing in some societies?
• What would you do if your boss tells you that at Christmas it is usual to receive small presents from local companies?
• Would you accept a free ticket for a football match, a free drink by virtue of your position?
• What would you do if you receive a complaint from a citizen of an attempted bribery from a police officer?
• Do you think corrupt police officers are natural-born criminals?
• Do you know a corruption case?
• Do you think discipline is fair within the police?
• How are you going to prevent corruption and misconduct in the group that you command ?
• Is corruption within the police a result of low pay?
• Have you ever heard of a drug-related corruption case?
• Do you think police unions play a good role in the prevention of corruption?
• Is corruption ever justifiable?
• Have you ever received a bribe?
• Have you ever bribed someone?
• Do you know someone who has been bribed?
• Is bribery a big problem in the country where you live?
• Will you accept a dinner invitation from an important businessman of your city? (He has good connections in the council and you nephew is unemployed.)
• Would you revert to bribery if your life was at stake? If your child's or one of your family members' life was threatened?
• Is there a sum of money that might persuade you to "look the other way"?
• What are some religions of the world?
• Is religion important to you?
• What is the main religion in your country?
• Why do you think religion is important in our lives
• Do you have a religion?
• What countries do you think have religious freedom?
• Have you changed your religion?
• What are some religions of the world?
• How do you practice your religion?
• Can you tell us about your religion?
• Have you ever been persecuted because of your religion?
• Do you know someone who has gone to war for their religion?
• Are there any famous stories of friendship in your culture?
• Can you describe one of your closest friends.
• Do you have any childhood friendships that are still strong today? Tell us about them.
• Do you have any long distance friends?
o How do you keep in touch with your long-distance friends?
o How often do you see your long-distance friends?
• Do you think it is a good idea to borrow money from a friend? Why or why not?
• Do you make friends easily?
• Has a friend ever let you down?
• Have you made any friends over the Internet?
o How often do you write to them?
o Have you ever met them in person?
• How are your friendships different now than they were when you were a child?
• How do you maintain a good friendship?
• How do you make new friends?
• How many people do you consider your "best friends?"
• Is it common to have friendships across generations?
o What are the advantages and disadvantages of these types of friendships.
o Do you have any friends from a different generation than you?
• There is a saying "To have a good friend, you need to be a good friend."
o How can you be a good friend?
• What do you usually do with your friends?
• What factors may result in the breakdown of a good friendship?
• What is a best friend?
• What is the longest friendship that you have had?
• What makes friends different from family?
• What qualities do you think are important in a friend?
o What is a friend?
• What things should friends never do?
• Why do you like your best friend?
o What are some things you like about your best friend?
• Where is a good place to meet new friends?
o Where is a good place to meet a new boyfriend/girlfriend?
• Do you think it is possible to have a best friend of the opposite sex without becoming a girlfriend or boyfriend?
• Do you think it would be possible for you still be friends with an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend?
• There is a proverb that says, "A friend in need is a friend indeed." Do you agree?
• Do you believe that there is an end to any true friendships?
• Do you believe your parents should be your friends?
• What do you do if you receive a friend's call but you forgot his/her name?
• Friendship is the most important relationship. Do you agree? Why? Why not?
• What do you like best about your best friend(s)?
• What are some ways your best friend has influenced your life in a positive way?
• How close do you get to your friends?
• Why do you need a friend?
• What do you do when you have a misunderstanding with your friend?
• Do you trust all of your friends? Why?
• What is the best time for making new friends?
• What was your best friendship?
o Are you still friends with him or her?
o What life lessons did you learn from this relationship?
• What qualities do you appreciate in your friends? What makes someone special or best friend?
• Why are friendships important for you? Do you still maintain friendships from the past?
• How long have you known your best friend? Where did you meet and what did you have in common?
• What are some good opportunities to meet new people?
• How can you get to better know a person?
• What is the relationship between love and friendship?
• Who is the most interesting person you have ever met?
• Do you think famous people are happier than ordinary people? Why?
• What type of people do you get along with best?
• What quality do you admire most in people and which one do you find the most objectionable?
• What behavior of others hurts you most? When you have upset someone by your actions, what do you try to do?
• What do you consider to be your good and bad qualities?
• What qualities help you to have good relationships with others?
• What traits or actions make an interpersonal conflict worse?
• Are relationships among people better or worse than a few years ago? Why? Give some examples.
• Do you think that dysfunctional family life contributes to worsening relationships in society?
• Is getting along with others a natural ability from birth or does it have to be learnt?
• How important is forgiveness in human relationships?
• What are friends for?
• Can you be friends with your student if you are a teacher?
• To what extent can you be friends with your child?
• What was your best friendship? Are you still friends with him or her? What life lessons did you learn from this relationship?
• Do you tell your best friend everything?
• Do you have a close group of friends?
• What do you usually do together
• Is it easy for you to make friends?
• Talk about friends you've made in this country.
• Are you good friends with your family members?
• Do you fight with your friends?
• How often do you talk with your friends?
• What is the difference between friendship and 'kinship' (blood relatives)?
• Do you have different groups of friends who never meet one another?
• *Are you a different 'self' with each group?
• * Do you think these groups would get along if you
• introduced them to one another?
• * Would you want these friends to mix,or do you get
• something different from each set of relationships?
• There is a saying that "to lose a friend you need to start sharing a flat with him/her". Do you agree? Why/Why not?
• What would you do if your best friend, that never betrayed you and you thought your relationship to be brother/sister asked you out on a date?
• Do you think you can find eternal friendships through the internet?
• What is your best friend like?
• Are you computer literate?
• Are you connected to the Internet?
• Do you access the Internet with your computer?
• Can you access the Internet from your home?
• What is your favorite "news" site?
• What Internet sites do you visit regularly?
• Can your mother and father use a computer?
• Do you have a computer?
• Do you have a computer at work and at home?
• Do you have a laptop or a desktop computer? Do you have both?
• Do you use your computer when you do homework for school?
• Have you ever studied English using your computer?
• How many times have you upgraded your computer?
• How powerful is your computer?
• What company made your computer?
• What kind of computer do you have?
• What size is your computer screen?
o What do you think is the best size to have?
• Where do you use your computer?
• Where in your room is your computer?
• Why did you buy your computer?
• Do you have a digital camera?
• Do you send photos by email?
• What kind of pictures do you take with your digital camera?
• Do you have a scanner?
• What kind of scanner do you have?
• Do you have a web page?
• What's the URL?
• When did you start it?
• How much time did it take to make?
• How much time do you spend keeping it updated?
• Do you know any computer programming languages?
• How many computer programming languages do you know?
• Which languages do you know?
• Which language do you use the most often?
• Do you read computer magazines?
• Which computer magazines do you read?
• Do you use a computer?
• Are you good at using a computer?
• Are you still using your first computer?
• Did you learn to use a computer in high school?
• Do you know how to type well?
• How often do you use a computer?
• What are some of your favorite computer games?
• What do you use a computer for?
• What operating system do you use?
• What software do you use the most often?
• When did you first start using a computer?
• Who taught you to use a computer?
• Do you use chat rooms? If so, what chat rooms do you use and who do you talk to?
• Do you use e mail?
• Do you use e mail every day?
• Do you write e mail in English?
• Have you ever sent an e mail to your teacher?
• How many e-mails do you get a day?
• How many e mails do you send a day?
• How many times a day do you access your e mail?
• What's your e mail address?
• How many e mail addresses do you have?
• Do you have a Facebook account?
• How often do you access it?
• How often do you update it.
• How many friends do you have?
• How many hours a day do you spend looking at it?
• Do you want a more powerful computer? If so, what computer do you want?
• Does your family have a computer?
• How fast can you type?
• Have you ever taken a course at school where you used a computer?
• Have you tried Mac-OS, Windows and Linux?
• How do you study English with your computer?
• How does email work?
• How many people in your family can use a computer?
• How much did your first computer cost? How much did you last computer cost?
• How much does it cost by buy a computer?
• What's the least expensive computer?
• What's the most expensive computer?
• How much does your Internet service provider cost?
• Which ISP do you use?
• If you could buy a new computer, what would you like to buy?
• If you had lots of money, what kind of computer system would you like to buy?
• What is the difference between software and hardware?
• Which do you like better, a laptop computer or a desktop computer?
• What is your favorite website?
• Do you ever visit English websites?
• Do you think our lives have been improved by computer technology?
• Think of a few examples of how computers have an educational or an entertainment value.
• Could you do without them?
• What is multimedia?
• What are the components and the element of multimedia?
• When did you first get a computer?
• What kind of computer was it?
• About how much did it cost?
• Do you still have it?
• Do you still use it?
• Do you remember the first time you used a computer or the Internet?
• What did you think about it?
• How long have there been personal computers in your country?
• When did the average person start using a computer?
• Can your parents operate a computer?
• How do they use their computer?
• Do you chat with your parents?
• What kind of computer do they use?
• Do they enjoy using their computer?
• Can your children use a computer?
• Do you think a computer can bring us happiness?
• Do you have a computer?
• Do you know any computer languages like C or C++?
• What is configuration of your PC?
• How often do you perform a backup?
• What kind of backup method do you use?
• What kind of backup media do you use?
• What are some good things about having a computer?
• What are some bad things about having a computer?
• Does having a computer make life more complicated or less complicated?
• What computer games have you played?
Which are your favorites?
• Which do you think are not so interesting?
• Do you use chat rooms and instant messaging?
• Which ones do you use?
• Why do you use them?
• What are some things to think about when using them?
• Why can these be dangerous for you and your kids?
• What do you do when your computer doesn't work properly?
• Do you have more than one computer?
• Can you do everything you need to do when your computer is broken?
• Do you have a webpage?
• Did you make your own webpage?
• What is on this webpage?
• Why do you think people have webpages?
• What would you like to add to your webpage?
• Do you know what a blog is?
• Do you have one? Why/ why not?
• Why do people have blogs?
• What do you think about file sharing?
• On the Internet, you can say whatever you want. Is that true?
• Is it a good or a bad thing? Why?
• What is artificial intelligence?
• What is the most shocking advertisement you have seen?
• What is the funniest advertisement you have seen? Describe it.
• What makes an ad memorable?
• What are the different types of advertising? (Eg. TV)
• What types of companies choose each type?
• Do you buy products because of advertising?
• Do you find advertising persuasive?
• Why do you buy one product over another?
• Should advertisers be allowed to advertise to children?
• Should alcohol or tobacco companies be allowed to advertise? Why or why not?
• What do you think of celebrity endorsements?
• Which celebrities advertise which products?
• Do favorite or annoying celebrities make you want or not want to buy a product?
• Should there be advertisement-free zones?
• Is there truth in advertising?
• What kind of advertisements attract your attention?
• Why is it necessary to advertise?
• Do you think advertising should be allowed to interrupt TV or radio programs? What are the alternatives?
• What is the best way to advertise to children? Adults? Seniors? etc..
• Do you think advertising is too expensive?
• What are some effective adverts you have seen lately (on TV, newspaper, etc)?
• What are some ineffective adverts you have seen lately?
• Can you remember an advertising campaign that caught your attention?
• What are the different methods of advertising?
• What is the most popular way of advertising?
• Do you think that the Internet and cable/satellite TV have become more important than national TV for advertising products?
• What do you think is the best way of discovering the tastes and interests of teenage consumers?
• Can TV advertising be a force for good?
• How easy do you think it is to influence children with advertising?
• Do you agree with anti-consumerism organizations that the child will have watched 350,000 commercials by the time she graduates from high school?
• Do you think the government has he right to ban advertising for junk food and soda during children's TV programs. What do you think about this? Why do you think they made this decision?
• Do political parties in (country) use TV advertising? If so, should they?
• When out walking or shopping in the city, do you accept advertising fliers or free samples that are offered to you?
• What forms of advertising are there?
• What would make an advertisement more interesting?
• Can you buy something and get something for free in your country?
• Do people use coupons where you live?
• What is the most advertised product in your country?
• What is the best form of advertising?
• What gets you interested in an advertisement?
• Describe an advertisement that you have seen or heard on the TV or radio. What was it about? How long did the commercial last? Did it make you want to buy the product?
• What is the funniest commercial that you have seen? Describe it.
• What differences can you notice between commercials from 10 or 15 years ago and commercials today?
• Do you think ads influence the choices you make when you buy clothes?
• Do you often buy a particular brand when you buy clothes?
• Why do you buy this brand?
• Does it give status to wear particular brands like Nike or Lacoste?
• Do you sometimes want very expensive things which you or your parents can't afford?
• Do you think ads influence the choices you make when you or your parents buy food?
• What brand is the ketchup you or your parents buy?
• Is it always the same brand? Why do you prefer this brand?
• What brand is the toothpaste you or your parents buy?
• Can you name three different ways of advertising? (For example, different media)
• Do you think there are too many ads in television? Why/why not?
• Do you know why some channels have ads and others not? If you do know explain.
• Do you think there are too many ads in magazines? Why/why not?
• Do you think there are too many ads in newspapers? Why/why not?
• Think of an ad you think is good or funny and tell about it.
• What kinds of ads do you like and why? What makes a good ad?
• Do you think children or young people are easier to influence through ads compared to adults?
• Do you think it's ok to show ads aimed at children on television? Why/ why not?
• When you watch TV, how much attention do you pay to the advertisements?
• Which advertisements do you like most and which least? Why?
• How would you advertise something you wanted to sell?
• What are the harmful and the beneficial effects of advertising?
• Do you think that ads create a desire for more and more material possessions?
• Do you think that commercials on TV are annoying because they interrupt programs or do you think that many ads are more amusing that the programs on TV?
• Do you think advertising is too expensive? What are the different methods of advertising?
• Are some parts of this city considered more dangerous than others? Which parts?
• Are there any places you are afraid to visit because of the high crime rate? If so, where?
• Are there problems with drugs where you live?
• Are you apprehensive about walking outside after dark?
• Do you always lock your house? How about your car?
• Do you believe that public executions would deter crime? If so, how?
• Do you drink and drive?
• Do you know anyone who has been mugged?
• Do you know someone who has been a victim of a violent crime?
• Do you think abortion is a crime?
• Do you think gun control is a good idea? Explain.
• Do you think people who use illegal drugs should be put in jail?
• Do you think police TV dramas are realistic?
• Do you think policeman should be allowed to carry guns?
• Do you think that capital punishment is a good idea? Why or why not?
• Do you think that punishment for violent crimes should be the same for juveniles and adults? Why/why not?
• Do you think that the death penalty would prevent crime in your country? Why or why not?
• Do you think that the legalization of narcotics would decrease the crime rate?
• Do you think there are any legal drugs that should be illegal?
• Do you think there is a link between drugs and crime?
• Do you think prostitution is a crime?
• Do you think there will be more or less crime in the future?
• Do you think your country is a safe place to live? Why or why not?
• Do you walk alone at night in your home city?
• Does prison help rehabilitate criminals? Should it?
• Have you ever been the victim of a crime? How about others in your family?
• Have you ever done anything illegal? If so, what did you do?
• Have you ever had anything stolen?
• Have you ever seen a crime?
o Have you ever witnessed a crime?
• Have you ever stolen anything?
• How can you prevent things from being stolen?
o How can you avoid having things stolen from you?
• If a person steals a loaf of bread because he needs to feed his starving family, should he be punished?
• Is child abuse a problem in your country?
• Is drunk driving a crime where you live? If so, what is the punishment?
• Is it ever O.K. to break the law? If so, when?
• Is prison an effective punishment? Why or why not?
• Is there a problem with organized crime and/or gangs where you live?
• Is your hometown considered safe?
• Under what situations would you think of committing a crime?
• What are some things people can do to protect themselves from crime?
• What are some things that are legal that you personally think should be illegal?
• What crimes do you think will decrease in the future?
• What crimes do you think will increase in the future?
• What crimes have you heard about recently in the news?
• What do you think is the worst crime a person could commit? Why?
• What do you think of the death penalty?
• What is a gang?
o What gangs exist in this country and in your home country?
o What are the characteristics of these gangs?
• What is the punishment for murder in your country?
• What is the punishment for stealing in your country?
• What kinds of crime are most common in your country? What are the penalties for these crimes?
• What kinds of crimes are increasing?
• What kinds of crimes do you think can be prevented? How?
• What makes some people become criminals? Is it poverty, upbringing, lack of education, unemployment or something else?
• What weapons do police carry in this country? How about your home country?
• What would you do if you heard a burglar in your house?
• What's your opinion about the death penalty?
• Why do you think crime is more prevalent in some societies than in others?
o Why is there more crime in some countries?
• Why do you think people steal things?
• Do you think corporal punishment is necessary?
• Who decides what is and isn't a crime?
• Do you think that "corporate criminals" are sufficiently punished for their crimes?
• Do you think that police dramas can teach people how serious certain actions can be?
• Is a person born as a blank page or does he have some things predetermined like vulnerability to crime?
• Should adultery be considered a crime?
• Why do people commit crimes?
• What can be done about gun/knife violence?
• Do you think your city is a dangerous place to live in?
o Do you see a lot of crime happening around you?
o What kind of crime is it? Shoplifting? Pick pocketing? Etc?
• Have you ever witnessed a crime? If "yes" tell us about it.
• Have you ever witnessed acts of vandalism?
o What do you think is the main cause of vandalism?
o How can we fight vandalism
• Do you think graffiti is vandalism or art?
• Have you ever been robbed?
o How did it happen?
o Did you report to the police?
o Did they help you?
• Do you agree that terrorism is the evil of the 21st century?
o What are the roots of terrorism?
o What act of terrorism terrifies you most of all?
• Is bribery a crime?
o What spheres are corrupted most of all in your country? Police? Education? Medicine?
o What is the best way to fight corruption?
• What is your attitude to the death penalty?
o Is there a death penalty in in your country?
o If you think it should exist, what kind of criminals should be sentenced to death?
• Which punishment is more severe, the death penalty or life imprisonment?
• What do you think is an adequate punishment for an adolescent who has committed a serious crime? Murder? Burglary? Car theft? Rape?
• Is piracy a great problem in your country?
o Do you consider piracy to be a crime?
o Is it possible to get rid of piracy?
• What is intellectual property?
o Can you think of some examples of stealing intellectual property.
o Do you think it is a serious crime?
• What do you know about the mafia?
o How does the mafia affect your life?
o How does the mafia make money?
• Have you ever noticed someone stealing in a store?
o What were your actions?
• If your friend has committed a serious crime, how would you act?
o Would you report to the police or not?
• Do you agree that everything that is not prohibited by law is allowed?
• Is downloading music or videos a crime?
• What's the difference between copyright infringement and theft?
• What is the difference between crime and sin?
• Can you describe each room of your house?
• What does the outside of your house look like?
• Where do you park your car at your house
• Do you like the place where you are living? Why or why not?
• What is your favorite room in your house? Why?
• How are homes different in your home country and in this country?
• How have you changed your home since you've started living there?
• How long have you lived where you are living now?
• How many different homes have you lived in?
o Which one did you like the best? Why?
o Which one did you like the least? Why?
• How many rooms are there in your house?
• How much is your rent? (Some people may not consider this to be a polite question.)
• If you could change anything about your present home, what would it be?
• Is your home in a convenient location?
• What changes would you like to make to your home?
• What do you like about your home? What don't you like?
• What do you think is the worst color for a living room?
• What is in your bedroom?
• What things in your home couldn't you live without?
• What things in your house could you easily live without?
• Where would your dream home be?
o What would it be like inside and out?
• Which room do you spend the least time in?
• Which room do you spend the most time in?
• Who are your neighbors?
o Do you get along well with your neighbors?
o How well do you know them?
o What have you done with your neighbors?
• Who lives with you? / Who do you live with?
• Would you prefer to live in a house or an apartment? Why?
• Is every house a home?
• What makes 'a house' into 'a home'?
• Have you ever been homesick?have you changed anything in your house recently? If so, what was that?
• What would you like to change in your house?
• What is the color of your front door?
• What kind of housing would you prefer?
• What is your dream house?
• Do you like to keep pets in your home?
• Are there any parks near your home?
• What strange materials do you know of that have been used to make houses?
• Could you build a house for yourself? How would you do it? (you cannot have a builder help you)
• How could you live without electricity? Could you make your own electricity? How?
• How can houses be made more environmentally friendly?
• Describe how you go about buying a house in your country. Can you borrow money from a bank? Is it easy to buy and sell houses?
• What would be important to consider when designing a city? Was your city planned? Describe a perfect city
• Draw/describe your dream house (money is no problem) where, materials, design, interior, landscaping etc
• Imagine you have arrived in a country where they don't speak your language. You have no money or friends there. What would you do for accommodation?
• Give some reasons why people become homeless.
• What problems do home owners have? What can they do about them?
• Is it better to rent or buy? Give reasons for your answer.
• What do you think houses in the future will be like?
• How important is security? How do you make a house secure?
• Make a list of the 10 most important things you would look for when choosing a house to live in.
• Some people say houses are too much like boxes or cages. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of a home stay?
• List alternatives to a house or apartment. (e.g. igloo)
o What are the advantages and disadvantages of these alternatives? Which alternative would you prefer to live in?
• Which are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a small house/flat/apartment? And living in a big one?
• Do you have a nice garden at your home? Do you plant flowers and trees in your garden? Do you help your mother/father to water those plants/flowers?
• Do you raise fish in your home? If so, what type of fish?
• Which do you like better, a home with a nice garden or a home without one?
• Do you have a mini swimming pool in your home?
o A basket ball court
o A ping pong table?
• Do you help to mow the lawn in your garden?
• What kind of music do you like?
• Are you a good singer?
• Can you concentrate on other things when you are listening to music?
• Can you play a musical instrument?
o If so, what do you play?
o How long have you been playing?
o Are you good at it?
• Can you play the drums?
• Can you play the guitar?
• Can you read music?
• Do you enjoy music videos?
• Do you ever listen to MP3 files on your computer?
• Do you have an expensive stereo system?
• Do you know the band named Metallica? If so, do you like them?
• Do you like all kinds of music?
• Do you like American rock bands?
• Do you like country music?
• Do you like heavy metal bands like Megadeath, Marilyn Manson, and so on?
• Do you like jazz?
• Do you like to listen classical music?
• Do you like to listen country music?
o Who is your favorite country singer?
• Do you like to listen to Broadway musicals?
o What is your favorite Broadway musical show?
• Do you like punk music?
• Do you like singing karaoke?
o How often do you sing karaoke?
• Do you like to dance?
• Do you listen to music while doing your homework?
• Do you sing while taking a bath?
• Do you think there is a relationship between drugs and music?
o How about violence and music?
• Do you think your favorite music twenty years from now will be the same as it is today?
• Do you watch music shows on TV? If so, what do you watch?
• Does you mother play the piano?
• Have you ever been to a concert?
o Have you ever been to a rock concert?
o Have you ever been to an orchestra concert?
• Have you ever taken part in a singing competition?
• How does music make you feel?
• How many CD's do you have?
• How much time do you spend listening to music?
• How often do you listen to music? ( classical music, ... to jazz, ...)
• How often do you listen to the radio?
• If you could play any musical instrument, what would it be?
• If you could start a band, what type of music would you play? Why?
• If you were a song, what song would you be and why?
• Is live music popular in your country?
• Is there any kind of music that you hate?
• Should music lyrics be rated similar to the way movies are rated?
• What are some concerts you have been to?
• What are some special or traditional musical instruments in your country?
• What do you think the world would be like without music?
• What do you think of manufactured bands? Can you name any?
• What is one of your favorite songs?
o Why do you like it?
o When did you first hear it?
o Who sings it?
• What is your favorite karaoke song to sing?
• What is your favorite kind of music?
• What kind of music do you like?
• What kind of music do you listen to to cheer you up?
• What kind of music do you usually listen to?
• What kind of music do your parents listen to?
• What kind of music you like the most?
• What kind of songs do you like to sing?
• What kinds of music do people listen to in your country?
• What kinds of music do you dislike?
• What musicians did you like when you were in junior high school? How about high school?
• What radio station do you usually listen to?
• What was the last CD you bought?
• What was the last concert you went to?
• What was your favorite music five years ago? 10 years ago? How have your musical tastes changed?
• When was the last time you went dancing?
• When was the last time you went to a concert?
• Where do you usually listen to music?
• Which do you prefer, songs in English or songs in your own language?
• Who is your favorite singer or group?
• Who is your favorite singer?
• Why do you think music is important and how does it affect different people?
• Why is music so important to people and culture?
• Is the image of the group or singer more important than the music?
• Can you think of examples of music calming people or increasing their efficiency?
• Do you mind singing to other people? (Another wording: ...singing in front of people?)
o If you don't mind then how large an audience would be too many?
• While listening to the radio, do you ever want to sing the song that is being played?
• Why do you think some people believe opera singers should be fat?
• Do you ever download MP3 files from the Internet?
• Do you prefer rock music or romantic music?
• Do you think music can heal sick people?
• Do you think that animals can enjoy music? How do you know?
• Do you think that music can help make world peace? How?
• How important do you think a good music teacher is to mastering an instrument?
• What do you think the next piece of music technology will be, after digital technology?
• If you could invent a new instrument, what would it sound like?
• Do you think the use of drugs by some musicians increases their artistic creativity?
• Who is your favorite composer?
• Did you go to the symphony when you were a child?
• Do your brothers and sisters also love classical music?
• What makes a song popular for you, the lyrics of the song or the melody?
• Why is the recorder called the recorder?
• Who is the most famous musician from your country?
• Do you think it is wrong to download music for free?
• Do you ever create (mix) CD's for your friends?
• Does your country have laws against copying CD's?
• Do you prefer listening to songs in your own language or in another language? Why?
• Does music affect unborn children?
• Do you think that people form different cultures react to music in different ways?
• What do you think of when you listen to music?
• What kind or style of music would it be weird for your parents to listen to? Why?
• If you could be any musician in the world, who would you be and why?
• If you could be a musician who would you be?
• Where did you go to kindergarten?
• Where did you go to elementary school?
• Where did you go to junior high school?
• Where did you go to high school?
• Did you go to college or university?
o Where did you go?
o What did you study?
o How many years did you go?
o Did you work while you went there?
• Did you enjoy going to elementary school?
• Does your country have middle schools?
o What is the age that children begin school?
o How old are students they when they graduate?
• Did you go to a good high school?
• What do you remember about your teachers?
o Who was your favorite teacher?
o What teacher impressed you the most?
o Do you still stay in touch with your teachers?
o Did you have any teachers you didn't like?
• How many students were in your high school?
• Describe the students who attended your high school.
o Did they have a good influence on you?
o Did they make your childhood and teenage years harder or easier?
• Were there cliques in your high school? Were there gangs?
• Did you make friends in high school that you still keep in touch with?
• What subjects were you good at?
• What subjects were you bad at?
• Did you study a foreign language in school? Was it taught well?
• Do you know anyone who attended a private school? Do private schools offer higher quality education or are they just prestigious?
• Did you attend college?
• If you did, what made you decide to go to the college you did?
• Was it a good school?
• How many students attended it?
• How many students were in your biggest class? How many in your smallest class? Did you prefer small classes or big classes?
• Was it harder to study in college than in high school? How does college compare to high school? What advice would you give a high school student who is about to go to college?
• What did you major in? Why did you choose the major you did?
• Did you live in a dormitory while you went to college? Who were your roommates?
• Does your country provide a good public school system?
• Does your country have good public universities? If not, why do you think there is a lack of funding for education in your country?
• What realistic changes would you make to your country's attitude toward education?
• What role do you think human capital plays in the development of countries?
• How many years did you attend college?
• Did you study abroad?
• Do the elite in your country attend one or two universities?
• Do elite universities help or harm your country?
• Where do we learn the skills necessary to become a good student - in elementary, middle or high school?
• What are the skills that separate good students from bad students?
• Were good grades important to you?
• Did teachers grade students fairly? Did you ever feel like you should have gotten a better grade then you did in a class?
• Did you procrastinate studying? Did you ever pull an all nighter?
• Did you study with other students?
• Did classmates talk to each other much before or after class?
• Did you skip class very often?
• Do college professors give students syllabuses at the beginning of term? Were you clear on what professors expected of you?
• Are college tuitions reasonable in your country? Is it easy to get scholarships or government grants?
• Are there good colleges in your country?
• Do many people in your country study abroad?
• Are there any subjects you wanted to study but they weren't available at your school?
• Are women encouraged to pursue education?
• Are straight-A students smarter than others or just better at memorizing things? Did you really learn in school or did you just memorize information and pass tests?
• Do you know anyone who does not know how to read or write?
• Do you think teachers are paid enough? Do you think teachers are well educated?
• Do you think your teachers gave too much homework? How much homework should teachers assign students?
• Did you ride a bus or walk to school?
• Was school ever canceled for a day when you were a child?
• Do you think it is easier to learn as a child or as an adult?
• Is it difficult for people without a college education to get good jobs where you live?
• Does education guarantee a good job?
• What are the qualities of a good student?
• What are the qualities of a good teacher?
• Why do you think people become teachers?
• How much free time does a high school student in your country have?
• Do parents home-school their children in your country?
• What do you think of home schooling?
• Do you know anyone who was home schooled?
• Do you wish you had been home schooled?
• Are teachers the only ones qualified to teach children? What makes someone qualified to teach children?
• Can parents influence their children's schools? What can a parent do if he or she disapproves of a teacher's decision?
• Do children have a right to an education? Should education be free?
• Does your country provide a good public school system?
• What improvements does the school system need?
• Do you think your country should spend more money on schools?
• If a school gets more money, will the quality of education always improve?
• What would happen if public schools were abolished? Could children still get an education?
• Once you graduate from a university should you stop learning?
• What are some ways a person can continue to learn?
• Are college graduates smarter than people who did not go to college?
• Would you ever vote for a politician who did not attend college?
• Do the elite in your country attend only one or two universities? Do elite universities help or harm your country?
• What realistic changes would you make to your country's attitude toward education?
• Why do students cheat during tests and exams? How do they cheat?
• What is your attitude towards cheating? How should parents react? How should teachers react?
• Where do we learn the skills necessary to become a good student - in elementary, middle or high school?
• Should people go straight from school to a university, or do something different?
• What is a "genius"?
• Do teachers sometimes teach things that are not important?
• Are there things your school does not teach that you think it should?
• Are school uniforms good to have? Why or why not?
• Would you ever want to learn a third language?
• How important is curiosity in a student?
• Can you teach someone who has no desire to learn?
• What do you think about a gap year, is this something you would consider?
• Should people go straight from school to University, or do something different?
• Do you think it is necessary that there are windows in the classroom to provide for a proper learning atmosphere?
• What do you wish your teachers understood about you?
• Do you think a person can become a genius, or are they just born that way?
• What do you consider to be a "smart" or "slow" person?
• Are things your school teaches that you think are not important?
• Are school uniforms good to have? Why/why not?
• Do prefer school uniforms or casuals better?
• Would you ever want to learn a third language? [To be "trilingual"]
• What do you consider "hardworking" or 'lazy"?
• What is the role of schools in society?
• Do you enjoy going to school? If so, why if not why?
• What does your education mean to you?
• What do you think the advantages and disadvantages of state and private schools are?
• What would you do if you saw someone with a gun at school?
• Are college tuitions reasonable?
• Are foreign languages part of the curriculum? If so, which languages?
• Are most schools coeducational in your country?
• Are there any subjects/classes you wanted to study but they weren't available at your school/college?
• Do you have difficulty with school work?
• Do you think teachers are paid enough?
• Do you think your school is a good one? Why/why not?
• Do you think your teachers give too much homework?
• Do you think public speaking can improve your english?
• How can we improve our classroom?
• Why English is hard to learn at university level?
• How do you travel to school?
• How long must you go to college to get a degree?
• How much is too much homework? How should the homework load be managed?
• If you have not attended college, do you plan on doing so?
• What are some good ways to learn English?
• What are some important factors in determining which college to attend?
• What classes would you take?
• What do you study? What's your major?
• What is the average age of a high school graduate?
• What is your favorite class?
• What was (or is) your favorite subject? Why do you like it?
• Who selects the college you will attend -- you or your parents?
• Why are you studying a foreign language?
• Why is it helpful to learn a Second language ?
• Why is it sometimes very difficult to speak another language?
• Would you consider studying abroad?
• Do parents home-school their children in your country?
o What do you think of home-schooling?
o Do you know anyone who was home-schooled?
• Do you think that most parents influence what university their child will attend?
• Once you graduate from a university should you stop learning?
o What are some ways a person can continue to learn?
• Which is more important, the essential skills in life you've learned to develop on your own or the artificial structure in college about the "real" life?
• Which high schools and colleges are the best in your country?
• Which high schools and colleges are not so good in your country?
• We should not just prepare for life, but live it. Do you agree?
• What kind of world do you think this would be if people never went to school?
• Should education be free?
• Do the elite in your country attend only one or two universities?
• Do your children attend US schools? If so, how do their schools differ from those your children attended back home?
• Does your country have good public universities? If not, why do you think there is a lack of funding for education in your country?
• Why do students cheat during tests and exams?
• How do they cheat?
• What is your attitude towards cheating?
• What are the dangers of cheating?
• How should parents react?
• How should teachers react?
• What is the role of school and decision makers?
• What skills separate good students from bad students?
• Should people go straight from school to university, or do something different?
• Do you think a person can become a genius, or are they just born that way?
• Are things that your school teaches you that you think are not important?
• Do prefer school uniforms or casuals clothes better?
• What's your favorite season and why?
• Are there any special traditions associated with different seasons in your country?
• Have you ever been caught in bad weather? If so, what did you do?
• What crops are produced in which seasons in your country?
• Do you think weather patterns are changing? If so, why do you think this is?
• Do you have many disasters in you country which are caused by weather?
• Do you know any interesting myths or stories about weather?
• Do you like snow?
• Which do you like better hot weather or cold weather?
• Do you have snow in your country?
o Do you have hail?
o Do you have frozen rain?
o Do you have typhoons?
• What month gets the most rain in your country?
o What month gets the most rain around here?)
• About how many inches of rain does your hometown get per year?
• What's the average temperature in your country in the summer time?
o How about in the winter?
• Do you get tornadoes where you are from?
o Do you get typhoons?
o Do you have frost?
• Do you think that in recent years we are losing our four distinct seasons?
• What kind of climate do you prefer when choosing a place to go on vacation?
• What is the best season to get married?
o Can you think of other activities in which one season may be better than another?
• What are the seasons?
• What is the hottest season?
• What is the coldest season?
• In your opinion, which season is the most beautiful?
o Which season is the most comfortable for you?
• Why do you think spring (or another season) is the most beautiful season?
• Have you ever been stranded in a snowstorm? What did you do?
• Do you think weather affects the way people feel?
• How can extreme weather conditions affect the economy and social life in countries?
• Do you think weather patterns are changing?
o If so, what do you think is causing these changes?
• What are the different kinds of weather?
• What is the weather like in your country for each season?
• What some of the different kinds of weather?
• What is the weather like in your country for each season?
• How does weather affect your attitude?
o How does weather affect your lifestyle?
• What is the relationship between weather and natural disasters?
• How to you depend on the weather reports on TV?
• How do television stations secure weather reports?
• Why is it important to know future weather conditions in advanced?
• When would knowing tomorrow's weather change you plans?
• Have you ever checked the weather for your city on the Internet?
• What time of year is the best weather where you live?
• Have you ever seen snow?
• Have you ever been in a typhoon?
• Where do you get your weather information?
• What is your favorite winter activity?
• What is the hottest natural temperature (not in a sauna) you have experienced? Where and when was it and what did it feel like?
Restaurants and eating out
• How often do you eat out?
• Where do you usually go when you eat out?
• How much do you usually pay when you eat out?
• Who do you usually go with when you eat out?
• Do you like western food?
o Japanese?
o Thai?
o Italian?
• Can you name restaurants in this area that serve food from other countries?
o What kinds of foods do these restaurants serve?
o Have you ever eaten at any of them?
• Do you ever eat greasy food?
o Salty?
o Sweet?
o Spicy?
• Do you know how to order food in English?
o Have you ever done so?
o If so, was it easy to do so?
• Do you ever eat at McDonalds?
o KFC?
o Other fast food restaurants?
• What is your favorite appetizer?
o Main Course?
o Dessert?
• Do you ever drink alcoholic beverages when you eat out?
o If so, what do you drink?
• Do you know what a Caesar salad is?
o Buffalo wings?
o Nachos?
o Chicken fried steak?
• Did you enjoy eating out in other countries you have visited?
o Which country had the best food?
o Which foods did you enjoy the most?
o Did you think the cost was high or low?
• Do you know anyone who has owned a restaurant?
• Have you ever worked in a restaurant?
o If so, what kind of restaurant?
o How long did you work there?
o Did you enjoy your job?
• How many different types of salad dressing can you name?
• Do you worry about calories and fat content when you eat out?
o How about cholesterol ?
o How about insecticides and other chemicals in your food?
• Would you send a dish back if it did not taste good or if you received the wrong food?
• Do you ever leave a tip at a restaurant? How much?
• In what ways have people's eating habits changed over the years?
o How have your eating habits changed over the years?
o Have your eating habits change this last year?
• Do you think western food is too expensive? Why or why not?
• Have you ever had a restaurant cater a party at your house?
o If not, would you consider it?
o If so, were you happy with the service?
o Would you do it again?
o What kind of food did they serve?
• Who pays when you go out for dinner?
• What's the worst experience you ever had at a restaurant?
• What's the most disgusting food you ever ate in a restaurant?
• Do you like eating at buffets? Why or why not?
o Where was the best buffet you've ever eaten at?
o What kinds of foods were there?
• Have you ever eaten at an all you can eat restaurant?
o Did you eat too much?
o Do you think it was a good value?
o Was the taste as good as a regular restaurant?
• Why do you think westerners are usually heavier than Asians?
• Do you ever order out from a restaurant?
o What kind of foods?
• Do you think this area has a good variety of foreign restaurants?
o What other kinds of restaurants would you like to see opened?
• Can kids eat free at any of the restaurants you go to?
o Do senior citizens get a discount?
o Are there times of the day when anyone can get a discount?
• Have you ever been to a restaurant with valet service?
• Do you like to try new restaurants, or do you prefer to go to those you have already been to? Why?
• Do you care what a restaurant looks like, or is the food the only thing you care about?
• What types of take out food do you enjoy eating?
• What do you think about children crying in a restaurant when you are trying to eat?
• What do you think about people smoking in a restaurant when you are trying to eat?
o What would you think if you saw the cook at the restaurant smoking while he is cooking your food?
• Do you prefer fresh ingredients prepared by a chef as you order or do you prefer pre-cooked food?
• Do you play any sports?
• Are you a good soccer player? Basketball player? Baseball player? Rugby player? Tennis player?
• Are you a member of any sports team? If not, ha